
Showing posts from August, 2017

Rabbits Wedding - In Truth About Road

Music has a fine wife in lyrics.  They can partner evenly, but often we focus on the carrier of the name.  Good music is enhanced by great lyrical content and form, that leads by sensitivity and purpose. Then there are songwriters who redefine the boundary.  That enable us to see the ordinary with a new perspective that encourages the recalibration of expectations. Rabbits Wedding are understated - and also in that strange way that you won't find too much written about them anywhere these days.  That ambiguous and beautiful legacy of pre-internet identity: when what you can uncover about the obscure and worthy is a truly rare and remarkable find. Even rarer, I would guess, is coming across the albums these days.  You will find a little of their work on YouTube.  But their output was more limited than may have been expected.  Or maybe it could be.  The unusual is often unsustainable.  Even in the fecund musical environment of Sydney in the mid to late 1980s, with so many venue

Crow - My Kind of Pain

There is a good range of contemporary music playing in this town, but there aren't many gigs you can go to and would have the privilege to say -- in twenty or even thirty years time -- I was there.  These days, bands aren't as shambolic or erratic as they were: lead singers remember the words, band members turn up, dangerous items are not thrown to or from the stage, and punters generally do not walk out of a gig bloodied or harmed.  Not that it used to happen often, but it happened surely enough. Seeing music and live performances is pretty safe these days.  You can't even passively smoke, which is also a benefit.  I didn't grow up in Melbourne.  I grew up almost everywhere but here.  The best part of my time was spent in Sydney.  All of Australia's most influential music passed through that town, but not all of it got off the ground.  It was there I saw drunken lead singers slouch off the stage mid-song and mid-set after floundering in their own lyrics.  Where

Pod Cast

A very good friend, and music aficionado, has done you a favour.  He has created a series of podcasts that give you a selective and very tasty selection of everything you should know about music that has influenced and changed the way we understand the sonic revolution over the last forty years. He has also done you another favour.  He is paying all the legal dues to ensure these fine, and sometimes overlooked musicians get their royalties. All you have to do now is log onto your Soundcloud account and like it.  Not only will you hear a kick-sass range of amazalicious music, you will be sweetly treated to commentary that is informed and insightful.  Your host was there and on the inside.  He also has a black and dry sense of humour to keep all your senses entertained. Do yourself a favour. Spend the first of many hours getting yourself an education about what you love most.  Episode one is about British Post-Punk Women Icons.  You are gonna be treated to Siouxsie and the Banshees